
Equal Employment Opportunity Law

Decent Essays

III. Know the Law (15) Below is a list of all laws in place that reflect on Equal Employment Opportunity and a brief description of each law:
1. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 - EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity Law) it is illegal to discriminate against employees based on race, color, age, nationality, etc.
a. Pregnancy Discrimination Act: it is illegal to discriminate against a women based on her pregnancy status, illness due to child-bearing, child-birth, etc.
2. Equal Pay Act of 1963 - it is illegal to pay different amounts to men and women for performing equal jobs.
3. Age Discrimination Act of 1967 - it is illegal to terminate or not hire a person over 40 for their age.
4. Disabilities Act of 1990 - it is illegal not to hire a qualified person …show more content…

Made a positive economic impact.
2. There is an increase in income levels for minority groups.
3. As there is an increase in the income, more and more people from the discriminated groups venture into the market resulting in higher competition and efficiency.
4. Better and healthier work environment.

As a result of this law many companies had to adopt new policies, and adjust pay rates. Many women and minority groups were able to enter the workforce, improve life style, in general it resulted in a happier and healthier society. Many women who were abused or discriminated were able to seek justice because of this law.
V. Consequences of Unfair Treatment

Performance at workplace depends on mental composure. Errors occur when employees are under stress either mentally or emotionally. Stress could be caused by work environment and people surrounding the individual, workload, personal feelings, and conflict. A high perform employee can quickly lose motivation when he/she observes favoritism due to gender bias, or mistreatment due to sexual orientation. Loss of such individuals eventually effects the Company's …show more content…

 Managers are especially vigilant when it comes to promoting an inclusive culture in their company.
 Diversity and inclusion is regarded as a core value to the company. Open communication channels are established to encourage respect, trust and confidence between the employer and employee.
 Disputes are dealt with professionalism and promptness. Managers take efforts to encourage employees to voice their concerns without fear or hesitation.
 Employer Branding initiatives are used to portray the company as an ‘Employer of Choice’; one that actually upholds the EEO principles and not just sham concern for them.
 Employers establish strong anti-harassment policies. They educate their employees regularly on these policies and on ways to exercise their rights in an event of harassment.
 Most importantly, EEO employers take prompt actions while maintaining required discreteness in sensitive cases. This helps the employee to be at ease knowing the company will be fair in safeguarding the employee’s

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