
Florida's Role In The Civil War Essay

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The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, in Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor after the Confederate artillery struck the Fort (“Florida’s Role in the Civil War”). After President Lincoln became the President of the United States, eleven states formed as Confederate states to separate themselves from the United States. The reason why those states separated from the United States was that they did not agree with President Lincoln’s decision to try to end all slavery. The Confederate states wanted to keep slavery going. Those eleven states were Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, and North and South Carolina. The rest of the United States were called the Union, even though there were some people that lived within the Confederate States that did not condone slavery and there were some people who lived in the Union states who did condone slavery. Fifteen years before Florida joined the Confederacy, Florida had just become part of the United States in 1845 (“Florida in the Civil …show more content…

As the webpage, “Florida’s Role in the Civil War: “Supplier of the Confederacy”.” says, “An estimated 16,000 Floridians fought in the war…approximately 2,000 joined the Union army,” which really shows that about 14,000 of those Floridians who fought was in the Confederacy (“Florida’s Role in the Civil War”). There were about 5,000 of those Floridians, who did die because of the war. Then after President Lincoln signed off on the Emancipation Proclamation to end all of slavery, many of the slaves were freed and they were able to join the Union to fight against the Confederates. Since the Union became more powerful and the Confederate General, General Robert E. Lee surrendered to the General of the Union, General Ulysses S. Grant, which helped the Union to win the civil war. The Civil War ended in April 1865. It is known as one of the bloodiest wars in

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