
Essay On Gilded Age Immigration

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In the beginning of immigration it all started with slave trade, which was a global force in the Atlantic and later Asia. At first Africans were taken from their homelands and shipped to America to do labor work. People already in America, were eager to purchase a slave to do their dirty work at no cost. Just as things went negatively for the African American slaves, later the Native Americans, who were already here in the United States, were forced to move or killed. A large amount of Natives died from disease, war, or migrating to the West leaving a small amount of them in the United State’s territory.
Little migration was happening, but four decades later immigration increased rapidly. Many from Britain, Ireland, and Germany moved to America …show more content…

Nearly 341,000 African Americans moved from the South to the North. Between 1870 and 1900- Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, French Canadian, and Mexican immigrants moved to the United States to find work and create a better future. Transportation was necessary because cities extended. Electric-powered subways was created as a cheap and easy way to travel too. Segregation formed during this time and wealthy white people separated from immigrants of lower class or color. Important characteristic of Gilded Age America was Residential and …show more content…

America fever brought more immigrants from new parts of Europe. The Japanese immigrants turned east some ended up in Hawaii and the US where most worked as agricultural laborers and Mexican immigrants, they fled north as agricultural workers. As for the eastern European Jews they traveled to America because religious persecution. Their own home lands were not as safe as America. Due to the over populated state the vast number of “new” immigrants and their especially “foreign” origins created a backlash against them. Nativism climaxed quickly. Issues about immigrants being a problem made native-born Americans either

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