
Examples Of Narcissism

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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,“the essential features of a personality disorder are impairments in personality (self and interpersonal) functioning and the presence of pathological personality traits.” The personality disorder known as narcissism is often characterized by an excessive amount of love for one's self. These individuals paradoxically are insecure about themselves and need constant approval from others and ultimately have low self-esteem.
It greatly impairs their basic functioning skills like having a sense of identity and self-direction. They find it immensely difficult to cope with criticism of any form and thus require continuous amounts of admiration from others. When presented with adversity it may often result in three things: extreme rage, a counterattack or a complete social withdrawal. An example of this could be the narcissist ranting on facebook to emphasise a disagreement with a friend. It could also mean deleting or going on a hiatus from social media altogether. Their ability to have self-direction becomes impaired when they can no longer make goals without consulting others first. One's personal goals also become tremendously unrealistic and unreasonably …show more content…

Those affected become so enveloped in themselves that they are unable to empathize with the feelings of others. The self-aggrandizement and self-absorption of narcissistic individuals is accompanied by a pronounced lack of interest in and empathy for others. Someone with narcissism may be uninterested entirely in the emotions or events involving another person unless it relates back to themselves somehow. Relationships for a narcissist are complicated and are strenuous. Little interest in their partner’s emotions or experience can lead to conflict and the narcissist’s need for personal gain limits growth in the

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