
Family Therapy Research Paper

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Family therapy
What is family therapy? Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is done to minimize the stress and incompatibility by upgrading the type of communication among the family members. It is designed to locate the problems and factors that are affecting the overall functioning of the family. It can be used with the families who are going through a difficult period of time, major transition or any mental or behavioral problem with the family members. Generally, family therapy is a short-term process. It may include all the members of the family or just those who are willing or able to take part in this process. The treatment plan of the problem will depend on the situation of the family. Family therapy will help to develop …show more content…

This therapy is based on two basic concepts, triangulation (a natural ability to distress by talking to a third party) and differentiation (trying to become less emotionally reactive in family relationships).
The main focus of this type of therapy is the adjustment and improving the family system to make sure that children are in control and parents set pertinent boundaries for children. In this type, the therapist becomes a part of the family in order to observe, learn and maximize their ability to help each other to strengthen their relationships.
This type of therapy focuses on the context of family member’s behavior and the unconscious communication between them. The role of the therapist in this form of therapy is neutral and obscure and endorse the family members to understand their issues more deeply as a family.
This is the most direct form of family therapy in which the therapist engages the client by giving them home works. The purpose of these home works is to change the ways the family members interact with each other and make decisions. This is the type of therapy in which the therapist holds a powerful position by allowing those members to communicate more effectively who do not usually possess any power in the

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