
Genetically And Genetically Modified Organisms

Decent Essays

Bacteria are the very first organisms to be genetically modified or genetically engineered. Genetically modifying bacteria is basically on simple terms producing a new unique set of genes or replicating them and then those genes are transferred across different species for all kinds of beneficial or experimental purposes. Bacteria can be easily engineered, “Bacterial systems lend themselves to genetic manipulation in part because of their rapid reproduction rates” (“Rediscovering Biology”). Genetic modification of bacteria in depth is complicated; certain enzymes cut specific pieces of DNA that has a certain gene of the organism and then transfer it into another organism with a DNA gap that can fit that specific gene, “Several methods have been used to insert foreign genes into target organisms, in one method the target organism takes up a vector with cloned DNA from a donor organism and incorporates this foreign DNA into its genome, another common method is removing a wall of the target cell, allowing the introduced DNA to easily penetrate (“Overview of the technology”). The processes of genetically modifying bacteria have the possibility to both positively and negatively affect the society and the environment. Some people are interested and excited because of all the possibilities this technology holds but others are skeptical and believe that the whole process is unethical and should be banned and not experimented or used anymore. Should genetically modified bacteria

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