
Happiness And Happiness In The Art Of Happiness

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You should never stress about being happy, happiness is in everyone deep in down we just have to do certain things in order to let it shine. According to McMahon in order to be happy there's no need to think about it. McMahan states in paragraph eleven, “Those who are happy,” he came to believe, “who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art of pursuit, followed not as means, but as itself an ideal end.” McMahon believes you should be a part of something bigger than yourself. This means help out others by doing something you normally wouldn't do something out of the ordinary. Helping others gives you a heart warming feeling, and many can agree on this. Lastly Mill does believe you should spend time with people that mean the most to you like loved ones, a little of our happiness is based on the people we surround ourselves with. McMahon is right about being apart of something bigger than yourself because helping others be happy makes us feel good about ourselves, and more confidence to keep pursuing it.
Be yourself and always move forward, happiness doesn't come from being someone you're not. According to berns in the video “Ted talk” you should always move on if you can't do something, focus on what you can. When people are stuck on something they tend to give up and feel very self conscience best thing to do is walk away from the situation and do what you're best at. We need a positive attitude in order to achieve what we want and to be essentially happy. Sam Berns chose to be happy he chose not to let the little things get in his way of achieving what he wanted, it's all based on you. Yes he could have been sad, because of the horrible disease that stopped him to doing bigger things in life yet he was still smiling and moving forward as always his muato.
Some people may say you should spend money on yourselfs and materialistic items to be happy. Every person's desire is to be truly happy, they do believe that money can fit that desire for themselves. According to the “Ted Talk” called “Happy” many people who were wealthy were are the ones who were suffering the most from unhappiness. Theory is they did

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