
Hazardous Chemicals That Regular Cigarettes Do

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hazardous chemicals that regular cigarettes do. It is unfair that electronic cigarettes are not always included in laws pertaining to the use of nicotine based products in public places. Bystanders should not have to face problems that a change in legislation could fix. The authors of this article went on to describe a study that was conducted to show how often users smoked cigarettes, how many cigarettes they averagely smoked at once, and where users received second hand smoke. Many of the places that users smoked and were around other smokers, were public areas. Second hand smoke will drastically decrease if clean air laws included electronic cigarettes under the same category as traditional smoking. After the results of the study were …show more content…

The only reason that these types of e-cigs are in existence is because they appeal to younger individuals who associate these flavors with other things they enjoy, like gum and candy. People are being conditioned into thinking that electronic cigarettes will bring them the same happiness that these child-like flavors have done for them in the past. This illustrates that marketing has already negatively impacted the health of younger users. “A recent JAMA [Journal of the American Medical Association] Pediatrics study found that middle and high-school students who used e-cigarettes were more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes and less likely to quit smoking.” This same phenomenon showed that individuals who start out using electronic cigarettes, eventually want to try the real thing. They become addicted just because of their curiosity of the flavored products that got them to start using electronic cigarettes. These flavored products that are being sold to minors should not be allowed on the market because they have already caused younger people to become curious about smoking and using nicotine based products.
The company Vaporfi is an example of a corperation that is using trendy sounding flavors to attract younger people into using their products. They offer “Blue Razzle Berry”, “Summer Lovin’, and “Grand Reserve Island Frost.” These flavors, in addition to numerous others attract younger people. Someone looking to make a purchase on the

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