
How Did The Tyger Rhyme Scheme

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I think God made the Tyger as well as the Lamb because God created all the creatures on earth. The Poem has sixth stanzas, in general, and let's look at the stanzas to prove my point. The first stanza uses a general question said, "what immortal hand or eye could fearful symmetry?”. And I think it tells us how bad Tyger are to push people off or make them afraid of Tyger. The second stanza mentions an illusion of where the creature (The Tyger) was created. The third stanza describes how the creator formed this Tyger, for example, he created the Tyger with a dread hand and feet. The fourth stanza mentions the tools were used for this creature such as hammer, furnace, and chain. In the fifth and sixth stanza, Blake created a confusion because …show more content…

God already knew there will be two portions of the earth: the good and bad. And I believe that's the reason he created Adam and Eve. After he had created them, he told them they were not supposed to eat any fruit in the garden, but they ate it. Which meant they were not obeying the rule God had given to them because they have listened what their mind said. They ate it, and the result of their act was to divide the earth into two groups: darkness and light or evil and good. If this incidence was never happened there won't be heaven and hell, but there would be only one way that is heaven. Since it happened there would be heaven and hell, so people and animal divided into two portions, for example, a portion of people for God and other portion for Satan as well as the animals. After this incidence, the world turns upside down because crimes everywhere, and some children don't obey their parents anymore. "The Tyger" poems associates with "The Lamb" poem because both stories talk about religion. Both of them are related to the relation between evil and good. The Lamb symbolizes Jesus Christ, which I believe the Tyger may symbolize Satan because it was already divided into two portions at the beginning. Good people and animals stay on the good side while the bad human beings stay on the evil side. It is the same thing for the Lamb and Tyger because Lambs are the sweetest animals while Tigers are the violent

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