
Identity and Belonging Essay

Decent Essays

Our perception of our identity is constantly changing, the groups we belong to, the people we talk to and the way we connect with others help to form our identity. There is one thing we all have in common despite our individual identities, is the need to belong. There’s no obligation to belong to only one group, you can belong to many. An individual can belong to many groups, which will then create multiple identities; hence our understanding of identity is never constant. Belonging to a loving family, group of caring friends that help us to develop our own sense of self. However, belonging can have a negative side. For example our families might have an expectation of us to do something that might alter our ambitions and interfere with …show more content…

We all want to stand out of the crowd and be something special, but not all of us have the potential. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be about education, parents can be very protective over us and hold us back from socializing with friends, especially from the opposite gender, which makes it harder for us teenagers to belong to a group.

Media has a major influence in shaping our identity. It brain washes us by telling us what to do and because we are constantly surrounded by it, we allow it to create stereotypes, and change the way we act and think. Popular TV shows such as the Simpsons are constantly making us use and believe stereotypes. Mainstream media create images of perfect girls on magazines, to brainwash young girls into believing that they have to be as thin and perfect, as the ‘Photoshoped’ images of the girls in magazines to be accepted and to fit in groups and be happy and loved. The pressure to fit in and to be perfect leaves a psychological effect on young girls which influences and changes their original identity. Half of our identities today are completely based on what we see in the media. Although our names, cultures and religions determine otherwise, Mainstream media determines our dress, behaviour, hobbies and interests. What we see in magazines and on television dictate the way we run our

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