
Immigrants Affect Our Economy Essay

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How Do Immigrants Effect Our Economy
The United States is often referred to as the melting pot. It is a country of immigrants and a place where many people from all over the work come to build themselves a better life. Though that is not always the case. Immigration seems to have always been a political issue. Some people believe help build our economy while others believe they may be a threat. So how do immigrants really affect our economy?
Today, the United States is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. About 20 percent of immigrants from all around the world reside in the United States, which only makes up 5 percent of the entire world’s population. In 2012, A little over 40 million immigrants lived in the U.S., a historical …show more content…

A little over half of our immigrants are illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is fundamentally an issue of law violations. The estimated illegal population falls between 10 and 12 million people in the U.S. as of 2017 and has also stayed pretty steady for the past eight years. Well where are they coming from and how are they effecting our economy?
Many Americans would like to associate illegal immigration with Mexico and may agree with our President Trump that building a wall along the southern border may be a good solution to stop illegal immigrants. What they don’t know is, many illegal immigrants are not even Mexican and despite what many people think a fourth of them are not even Hispanic. The largest number of illegal immigrants actually derives from China (Yee, Davis, & Patel, 2017).
According to statistics many illegal immigrants are productive, hard working, law-abiding members of society that are living quietly, paying taxes and raising their families. About 60 percent of them have even been here for at least 10 years. 30 percent own homes, and a third of them even live with or have at least one child who is an U.S. citizen by birth. Contrary to what many believe only a small fraction of illegal immigrants have actually been convicted of felonies or serious

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