
Inequality In Education

Decent Essays

With the fast-growing global economy, education has become an integral part of the today’s society. Education has in fact been argued to be a necessity, as conformity to society’s set standards, goals and means is gradually near impossible without education. However, ‘proper’ education is becoming increasingly expensive and rare across all levels of education. As a result, even with the vast availability of several institutions that claim to offer ‘proper’ education, the question on most people’s minds is how education, a concept that is considered ‘somewhat’ a human right in America, is still not fully accessible to all citizens. A brief introduction to the concept of inequality in the educational system, especially in the public-school system, proves to answer to some lengths, the insufficiency of the educational system in the United States. The U.S. has been rumored to have two types of public school systems: first are those that are located in the suburbs and cater mostly to the middle class in the society and second are those that are located in the poorer urban and rural areas and serve to educate the lower class in the society. Usually, public education in these rural and poor urban settings serve mostly as a ‘way to get kids involved and out of the house’ so as to prevent these kids from a life of crime. However, most of these children end up in juvenile detention even before completing high school education. And, of the few that do succeed in completing their

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