
Kent State Shooting Research Paper

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Another significant reason why the guard is to blame is because of the guard’s actions at Kent State during that dramatic weekend. The guard handled the situation very unprofessionally and unfairly at Kent State. For starters, the guard should have never been so forceful with students over a peaceful assembly. The guard used tear gas and force to disperse a crowd of young college students (“The Kent State Shootings: May 4, 1970”). Despite all of the accusations made by the officers, there are still not any justified reasons for the shootings: All of the officers claims have been disproved. For example, the guards thought the protests were illegal, but the ban on assemblies was signed into effect until May 5, making the assembly, in the students’ eyes, legal (“Four Students Killed”). …show more content…

Another example is when backing up the hill to retreat, the officers claim that the protests came within three to four yards of them, so the guard had to shoot to defend themselves; this one claim has been disproved by pictures and the fact that all students injured in the shootings were at least one hundred yards away (“Kent State

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