
Lamb And Tyger Archetypes Essay

Decent Essays

Lambs and Tigers; Which are you?
(An analysis of the archetypes in Blake’s “Lamb” and Tyger”)

Tigers, they’re fierce, independent, destructive, powerful, experienced and cunning. Lambs are the polar opposite, considered gentle, pleasant, and innocent creatures. William Blake discusses both these archetypes in his poems “Lamb” and “Tyger”. The poems are a discussion on the archetype of each animal; when paired together they suggest our own society can be divided into these two groups of people. The archetypes of “Lamb” and “Tyger” vividly contrast each other in way that allows us to categorize ourselves into one of three groups. In the first of Blake’s poems he discusses the archetype of a lamb, the innocent and gentle of the world. At one point in “Lamb” it characterizes the lamb to have, “Softest clothing wooly bright,” alluding to the pure and innocent nature of the lamb. Lambs with, “such a tender voice,” that, “make all the vales rejoice.” These are the people of the world that don’t have a mean bone in their body. The “lambs’ are kind and compassionate people that still retain some of that child like innocence. Blake would think of them as the light in the world, pure and pleasing to others. …show more content…

Tigers in the wild are at the top of the food chain. They are hardened, brutal, and seasoned creatures. Blake depicts them as having, “fearful symmetry,” and the one who created a tiger to have, “Burnt the fire of thine eyes.” Tigers could be compared to something as simple as a school bully or even up to a ruthless dictator. Those who classify as a tiger are leaders and know how to get what they want. Often using or abusing lambs in the process. This polarizing of people into the opposite spectrum from a lamb doesn’t always seem like a good fit though. The question is if you have to fall under one category or the

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