
Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929. He attended Morehouse College and upon his graduation he chose to go in the route of his father to pursue Baptist Ministry. Dr. King wanted us all to be treated fairly; he was influenced by Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence and was convinced that all African Americans should utilize his powerful words as a new way of an equal life. Dr. King was a civil rights activist, who believed in transcendence, that right and wrong do exist. His powerful words given during his I have a dream speech led him to earn the Noble Peace Prize. Friedrich Nietzsche was born in Röcken, Prussia in 1844. In 1864 he enrolled in the University of Bonn to study theology. He began to doubt his …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. believed in transcendence, believing we all should be treated fairly and that right and wrong does exist. King’s critics violate non-contradiction, appropriate authority, and equivocation. The oppress gets freedom when they demand it. In Letter from Birmingham Jail, King uses evidence to prove his statements. King believed in just and unjust laws. To King a just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. Unjust laws can be broken if it’s something you believe in and needs to be stood up for, even if that are consequences that go along with your decision. King wanted better for African American and did not want them to suffer from unfair justice any longer. Dr. King was a motivational speaker who supported non-violence actions and believe that no man should fight with their hands but with their words. In Letter from Birmingham Jail, King is not only appealing to Christian Authorities but to other beliefs and religions also. King blames the regular white society instead of the powerful white supremacists because they were the ones that are not doing anything to help the blacks overcome the triumph. The legislator states that it is democratically correct that only the white can vote. The white individuals equivocate the word democratically saying that only whites can vote, when in reality anyone can vote. Just because a person makes a claim about the blacks, does not mean they have all of the credentials to make that direct claim. King refers to the bible and utilizes it in his letter by saying that by doing right and believing in God does not mean that the result will always be in your favor the first time around. King says that even though doing right is not always easy, we should not give up and continue to strive for the success that you

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