
Marijuana Abusing Adolescents

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The brain is an extraordinary and very important organ in the body that is paramount to life for all species of the animal kingdom, especially humans. It is the control center for the body and regulates every little thing that occurs whether it is a chemical reaction taking place during digestion or trying to recall information for a test. This can be compared to the federal government regulating particular aspects of the nation to assure that everything runs smoothly and orderly. However, some people take the brain for granted and do not realize the impact of abusing certain substances, like alcohol or marijuana, has on this organ. On the other hand, some diseases or conditions that occur beyond one’s control can affect the brain, too, like …show more content…

The teens were separated into four groups: heavy drinkers, marijuana users, heavy drinkers and marijuana users, and a control group (Brown et al 2014). The teens participated in interviews assessing demographics and academic performance and were assessed using neuropsychological tests (Brown et al 2014). Afterwards, the results show that teens with drinking problems portrayed poorer cognitive flexibility, memory, organization of information, and reading achievement compared to non-drinkers (Brown et al 2014). Marijuana-using teens showed poorer task accuracy, verbal memory, and psychomotor speed compared to non-using teens (Brown et al 2014). Teens that use both substances depicted same results as the prior teens, but showed an impairment with completing an arithmetic task that involves the working memory and use of attention (Brown et al 2014). Conclusions from research like these can contribute a big impact on …show more content…

Especially since there has been a lot of controversy on whether marijuana should be legalized in all states of the country, I think this article would be interesting to read to know what are the harms of marijuana use. The autism article really grabbed my attention while searching through the CNN website because I never thought of gender having an impact on a person having autism. I usually thought that autism could happen to anyone or that it runs in genetics, but reading this article offered a whole different perspective on the mental

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