
Shortage Of Nurses In The Lives Of Their Patients

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Nurses are champions. That is how Fraser (2014) describes the role of nurses in the lives of their patients. Nurses provide more than just frontline care and treatment, they are patient advocates that teach prevention, promote health, conduct research, and enhance the overall quality of their patients’ lives. In the changing atmosphere of health care, Fraser believes it will be nurses who play a major role in shaping future policy.
Implications for the current worldwide shortage of nurses are numerous, especially since nurses play one of the most important roles in the health care process. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (2005) notes that there is a direct correlation between positive patient outcomes and the quality of a nurses work environment. Atefi et al. (2014) agree with this information, writing that one of the most important factors impacting job satisfaction among nurses is their work environment. Research shows that long hours, heavy workloads, and uneven nurse/patient ratios negatively impact the nurse/patient relationship (Atefi et al., 2014). In order to effectively meet the needs of patients and minimize errors appropriate staffing levels must be met.
Another important factor that points to the necessity of passing The National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act (§ 864, 2015-2016) relates to preventable errors. A shortage of nursing staff in the health environment increases the likelihood of errors occurring. Nurses who

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