
Organizational Analysis : Organizational Structure

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While completing the readings for the week titled “Experiments in Organizational Structure” I noticed two themes, self-managed teams and organizational culture. There was a clear divide of organizational culture between the companies such as Moosewood Collective and Zappos versus Amazon and Enron. The readings for the week were well-rounded and demonstrated that each culture had positive and negatives. However, research can enhance what organizational culture has been found to be the best culture in creating successful companies, which is not expanded on in the readings. Additionally, some of the readings focused on companies that had no hierarchy and how the lack of hierarchy allows for leaders to emerge. This idea relates to the literature on leadership in self-managed teams and how that may or may not be beneficial for a company. Therefore, this issue paper will critique the organizational structural practices that the companies in the assigned readings have been using. Additionally, this issue paper will add more insight into what has been found in research that can support or add improvements to the organizational decisions the companies in the assigned readings have made.
Organizational Culture Organizational culture are the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions in an organization (Wall, Corbett, Martin, Clegg, & Jackson, 1990; Wall, Jackson, & Davids, 1992). These shared beliefs, values, and assumptions were demonstrated in the organizations of our readings. For

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