
Persuasive Essay On Gun Shootings

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Mass shootings have become a problem in the United States and the only way to decrease the number of incidents is to enforce stricter gun laws. In the recent years gun laws have come under fire for a variety of reasons that all stems back to the tolerance for high caliber and magazine weapons in our country. Assault rifles and other rapid-fire weapons have become all too easy to acquire in our nation and I believe the citizens of the United States have begun to realize this. Consumers have found loop holes around the newly implemented laws in the United States with third party acquisitions and gun shows that take place around the nation. With the recent laws that have been imposed, stricter background checks as well as an increase in the number of conceal and carry permits. I believe this is a great sign for our country with these laws, we are allowing citizens who have been trained and have checked all the boxes to carry weapons and ideally be in positions to defend us against attackers. For example, in San Antonio this last weekend a good Samaritan with a conceal and carry permit was able to wound an active shooter while he was fleeing the scene. I understand he did not prevent the incident, but I believe he was taking necessary actions to stop the shooter from harming other unarmed citizens. In this essay I will discuss what laws and precautions have been put in place to eliminate other incidents such as this one and whether they are adequate for this day and age. Recent mass shootings have forced these laws under the spotlight and allowed citizens of both sides to be critical of them. The United States has become one of the most hostile developed countries in the world. “The U.S. has many more guns—and gun deaths—than any other developed country. In 2014, there were more than 33,000 such deaths in this country (Junior 13).” This has given many citizens the inkling that stricter laws for guns would reduce these deaths. But in my opinion restricting the sale of firearms will not affect the deaths as much as many are predicting. For instance, there is the gun show loophole and other private sellers of firearms that the government will have a hard time restricting or monitoring. President Obama tried

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