
Persuasive Essay On Mass Shootings

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Around the world, guns are used in various things such as hunting, warfare, shooting ranges, and much more. There is one particular action that has increased drastically within the past decades. This is none other than mass shootings in the United States. Since the spark in mass shootings, people have discussed ways to prevent this from happening, but others do not want the laws to change. Although each argument has their benefits and liabilities, America must do something about the deaths and injuries of thousands of people. Changing the laws would have benefits such as decrease in deaths and injuries of others and reduce the societal costs, but argues against the Constitution. As stated before mass shootings have increased drastically throughout the decades. Just within 2017, the number of mass shootings are 293 with several deaths and injuries, (“Gun Violence Archive”). Within the last 10 years, the deadliest mass shootings have occurred in America history, (CNN). Recently in Las Vegas, Nevada held a music festival for people to enjoy and listen to music, but a shooting changed the evening for many. A man was in an hotel near the event and shot down towards the people and killed a total of 58 people and injured at least 200, (CNN). The Orlando shooting was right behind it with a total of 49 dead, (CNN). Since this has become a part of our everyday lives, we rarely hear about all the mass shootings that kill not even into the double digits.
In my opinion, this number is way to high for me even four people is too much for me. Understandably, America cannot stop all mass shootings, but if changing the laws could decrease the amount of deaths, we should do so. Majority of the guns are owned by the United States. In fact, the United States owns half of the guns in the world, which can be a bit of a concern, (“List of Gun Control Pros and Cons”). This just goes to show that we need to do something about the gun laws that we have today, but this could infringe on an individual’s rights. The Constitution states in Amendment II, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” (“The 2nd Amendment of the U.S.

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