
Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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Throughout the years there have been a numerous of school shootings, and they have become more mainstream, this has caused people to stand up to the government for not doing nothing about it. I plan to argue an issue that has been put aside, and it is more relevant than ever. At the start of 2018, there have been many school shootings about 1.25 a week.
It has become so mainstream that people are rioting the schools to stand up to the government that has sat around and has done nothing to try to fix this problem. the shootings can be blame for many cause mental illness and other causes like gun control furthermore there are many ways for us to this violence. Fixing this problem will stop all the cold blooded violence that could be caused …show more content…

Even children who come from middle-class and upper-middle-class communities don’t feel safe in schools. The nightmares, always about being chased, lingered for years. Even now, the images of children walking out of schools with their hands up are too much for people to bear. As we all know that this has been a very controversial topic in the past years, it might be hard for people I power to fix this will not trying to break any amendments like taken away people right to own a gun. Because this can cause more chaos amongst the American people and we are not trying to split us, but to unite us by stand tall the problem we have to face on Saturday, some of Haviland’s students, born in the years after Columbine, participated in the Denver “March For Our Lives” to protest school gun violence, one of many demonstrations held across the United States. In the nation’s capital, students from Parkland, Fla.still grieving the friends and classmates they lost last month led an impassioned rally attended by a massive crowd that demanded gun reform. By Ryan Quinn, Education Reporter, Charleston Gazette Mail As part of a new training program, Kanawha County school officials are now ling students and teachers, they shouldn't automatically hunker down in classrooms if there's someone with a gun in their school.Perhaps most controversial is the program's guidance that students can physically confront a shooter as

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