
Research Paper On School Shootings

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School Shootings

Forty-five nationwide shootings occurred in the year 2015 where numerous innocent children were killed by cold, hearted adults. Enough is enough with these unforgivable tragedies happening again and again. No matter what schools say about ways already enforced, it is obviously not working because since the well-known shooting of Sandy Hook there has been 142. School is a place to teach and give knowledge to students in a happy, healthy setting. When kids are going to school they are not happy to learn when schools have tendencies to be attacked by an insider or outsider. Children are dying, the future of America are being killed in a place where they are forced to go by law. Loving parents send these children in hopes to …show more content…

Schools should be doing as much as they can to most effectively prevent these tragic shootings from occurring.

School shootings are a common occurrence on daily news. Students shouldn’t terrify going to school with the mindset that a shooter will show up with intention of killing people. Ideally, students leave home for school to learn, and not worried someone will come in and shoot everyone. When I was younger I would go to the bathroom worried a shooter would enter my school leaving me alone in a life or death situation. School security improvement is extremely important because children should feel safe and never in danger. Also, schools need better ways of helping children feel safe when they come for six hours everyday. More could be done for students, not only as prevention from shootings occurring but from relieving young children of unnecessary anxiety.

The lack of school surveillance plays a big role for school shootings. Author of the book Rampage: the Social Roots of School Shootings, Katherine Newman states that “Failures of surveillance systems that are intended to identify troubled teens before …show more content…

Newman adds her feelings towards guns in her book Rampage: the Social Roots of School Shooting. She says, “Clearly a school shooting cannot occur unless a youth can attain unsupervised access to a weapon(Rampage, 231).” Shannon Watts, founder of the organization Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, goes more into the topic by saying school shootings are getting so high that it is a "gun epidemic out of control(Watts).” She goes on about her opinions for guns accessibility to stricken and says “It is never an accident when a child gets an adult's gun(Rampage, 231).” She continues by saying, "It is always criminal negligence on the part of the adult who owns the gun(Rampage, 231)" Enforcing stricter background checks, laws against high-capacity magazines and letting people know easy ways to lock and store guns out of children’s reach would decrease shootings especially in

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