
Phineas Gage Research Paper

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Phineas Gage And The Support Of Cognitive Functionality In The Brain
"Cognitive brain functions constitute the ability to work with information in a meaningful way, apply information that has already been gained, perform preferential changes, and the ability for someone to change opinions about that information" (Cognitive Brain Function, 2016). Psychology teaches the theory that cognitive brain function are formed from human memories and affect how much information is taken in by the human being. Cognitive functionality has also been associated with the function related intelligence, mind, and ability to learn. This functionality of the brain sets the limits for a human to understand, comprehend, and apply their own thoughts to an idea to absorb it into their memory storage. By being able to perform these functions, a person is able to plan and organize their thoughts accordingly.
The brain plays the most important role in assisting to achieve and complete these cognitive functions. Several structures compose the brain, and many have a key role in the completion of cognitive functionality. The …show more content…

Within the subcortical structures, underneath the cortex, are the thalamus, amygdala, caudate, putamen, hippocampus, and cerebellum. These structures provide all sensory and motor responses, emotional and social responses, and support memory recognition.

Cognitive Brain Function. (2016, March). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from
Robbins, T. W. (2011). Cognition: The Ultimate Brain Function. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(1), 1–2.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences. (2012, May 16). Damaged connections in Phineas Gage's brain: Famous 1848 case of man who survived accident has modern parallel. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 1, 2017 from

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