
Primary Research. Despite My Research Strongly Suggesting

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PRIMARY RESEARCH Despite my research strongly suggesting that street art frequently has socio-political underlying messages and it is extremely accessible to the youth, I was unable to find definitive evidence concerning if street art is effective in portraying socio-political messages to the young. Therefore, I conducted an investigation to act as primary research and hopefully give results that could answer the question. I aimed to discover the opinion of a small group of London young adults; whether they thought that street art had an ability to convey socio-political themes and if they felt the art had any influence in their lives. The methodology of my primary research included holding an exhibition where a selection of my …show more content…

This is arguably a result of art in general having importance in their lives, and thus influence. Despite all the participants being able to recognise a basic level of meaning behind pieces of street art, those more artistically inclined gave more detailed and thoughtful analysis. Furthermore, they seemed to be genuinely more interested in underlying messages, and were more persuaded that street art was a pivotal feature of life. Therefore, my research suggests that young people with a more developed appreciation or understanding of art generally, were more emotionally invested with street art, and felt that it held power (limited power albeit). ‘WHY THE STREET?’ To fully understand street art as a concept in itself, it is vital to explore why the art is made on, and for, the street. According to Chung (2009) art on the street “allows artists a platform to reach a broader audience than traditional art forms”. This is supported by Young (2016) who argues that the “street is the biggest gallery you could ever want”, the author goes on to note that often a “galleries audience is self-selecting and homogenous”- belonging in an “elitist art world”. This implies that unlike classical art in galleries, street art cannot discriminate and is open and available to everyone despite their background or beliefs. Not only does the street allow the art to be widely seen, its accessibility indicates the ideas of

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