
Music Analysis

Decent Essays

Music is a very important part of many people’s lives today. Music has the power to make or break any situation. Many of the uses of music can lead to different responses. Music can put one in a good mood for a party, it can comfort one in hard times and struggles, and it can bond two or more people together who would not otherwise become close. Music can and has changed many lives through the years. The art form dates back to as far as mankind has been around. Since the beginning man has made music and it has evolved with man throughout the years. Music has gone through many stages ranging from plucking strings strung across two boards to pressing keys on a piano to make electronic sounds. Each and every form of music has touched many lives …show more content…

The mix of a strong focus on lyrics and an equally strong focus of the musicality of the song makes the genre very appealing. The genre combines all the things people love and the things people love about rock music into one single form. The vocals and upbeat attitude of pop music attracts the majority of the younger audience. On the contrary the rock side of the music applies mostly to the older demographic. The rock portion of the music mostly focuses on the intense music and mostly guitars and drums as the main instruments. Blending these two types of music together, when done correctly, can lead to a really upbeat and heavy experience for the listener. Punk Pop will continue to be a very popular genre of music in the current generation of …show more content…

Rap focuses highly of very expressive lyrics and a natural flow that catches the ear. With bass often accompanying many rap songs, basic beats and catchy hooks are often a huge part of what makes a rap song so popular. Although the actual music plays a big part, the lyrics by far dominate the genre. Many artists spend and incredible amount of hours tuning their lyrics to a tee, making them perfect for the message they are trying to put across. The lyrics of rap music are more often than not focused on free expression and very deep emotions. The mix of deep lyrics and background music make rap music very popular in the music industry today. Rap will be a part of modern culture for many years to

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