
Research Paper On Structural Family Therapy

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Structural Family Therapy (SFT) is a model of treatment that was developed primarily at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic under the leadership of Salvador Minuchin. According to this theory, the model’s distinctive features are its emphasis on structural change as the main goal of therapy and on the counsellor act as an active agent in the process of restructuring the family.
As a addition treatment of Jeffrey’s family, the counsellor will use structural family therapy because through an observation of Jeffrey’s family situation, the counsellor would uncover a dysfunctional structure of his family and would work to transform it into a functional one. The boundaries of Jeffrey’s family are a complex combination of enmeshment and disengagement. The dysfunctional structure of Jeffrey’s family may be caused by his mother because Jeffrey’s mother revealed that her family of origin was unstructured. Besides that, Jeffrey’s stepfather is a retired police officer who highly valued ordered and …show more content…

Problematic transactions emerge once Jeffrey and his family members begin to interact and the counsellor must recognize their structural implications and focus on the process. Awareness of Jeffrey and his family members’ structure and a commitment to help them change makes powerful interventions possible. The counsellor may achieve intensity by selective regulation of affect, repetition and duration. Tone, volume, pacing and choice of words can be used to raise the affective intensity of statements. Shaping competence is another method of modifying interactions and it is typical feature of structural family therapy. Intensity is used to block the stream of interactions but shaping competence is like changing the direction of the flow. The counsellor helps Jeffrey and his family members use functional alternatives that are already in their range of ability by reinforcing the

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