
Richard Swinburne : A Strong Repusenitive Of Rational Theism

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Throughout history, every civilization has had some sort of god or higher being. What does this mean about human nature? Does this point to something that is naturally placed inside us saying there is something greater out there? I would say so. How else would you explain civilizations in both south America and agent grease all had gods to explain thing greater then them, though they did not have any contact, not internet, not phones, not international postal delivery system. Richard Swinburne brings up this topic in his works Revelation. Swinburne is a strong repusenitive of rational theism. Some have giving him the complement of being "perhaps the most significant proponent of argumentative theism today" and "one of the foremost rational Christian apologists." Since he is of such high praise for his works, it makes since that his ‘Revelation’ is full of insightful and full of rich meaning. Swinburne starts with, “ With all claims about particular occurrences which are to be expected on one world-view but not on another, it is crucial to take into account the other evidence for that world-view. Reports of observations are rightly viewed very skeptically when the phenomena purportedly observed are ruled out by a well-established scientific theory, but believed when they are to be expected in the light of such a theory.” To me this seams very accrete with our world today. When you bring up any thing to do with religion, many will be skeptic and say that is good for you

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