
Shirley 's Leadership Style And Behavior

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Basketball teams need a coach that believes in them. The team needs a coach that will work hard to help them achieve the goal of winning. They need a coach that communicates and shows interest in each of the players. On the other hand, they need a coach that can be directive, but also supportive. In the case study this week, Shirley was quite the opposite. Conflicting enough, by all appearances she did not have a total grasp of the concept of leadership in coaching basketball. Factors that could cause the lack of leadership could be confidence or even lack of knowledge (Cohen, 2000). In this paper, Shirley’s leadership style and behavior will be discussed, along with looking at situational factors and other leadership styles that …show more content…

Apparently, Shirley did not care to communicate with her team; she gave instruction and sat on the bleachers writing in her notebook, while also making derogatory comments to her team (Cohen, 2000). Furthermore, Shirley was also negative and held the power in her hands to make changes to the team practice without any consideration of what the team had accomplished in the past. Shirley applied negative leadership to her team by her emphasis being on harshness, intimidation, and penalties (Bethel University, 2011). When Shirley did communicate with Paula, her penalty was to bench her on the final day of the tournament. Paula, who was the co-captain tried to discuss the lack of communication between Shirley and the team, however; Shirley was hostile, rude, and punished Paula for being the voice of the team (Cohen, 2000).
Shirley also showed signs of a task-orientated leader. Apparently, Shirley believed that she would get results by keeping the team busy running drills and closely monitoring them from the bleachers (Cohen, 2000). “Structured, task-oriented leaders, believe that they get results by keeping people constantly busy, closely monitoring employee actions, ignoring their personal issues and emotions, and urging them to produce at ever-higher levels” (Bethel University, 2011). Task-oriented leaders keep their people busy and they do not take the time to get involved with any individual issues. Evidently, consideration was not in Shirley’s vocabulary, she gave the

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