
Should Electronic Cigarettes Be Illegal

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It wasn't long ago that there were still a few people that didn't know what electronic cigarettes were. It suddenly seemed as if overnight, people found out what electronic cigarettes were and if they were smokers, they quickly started buying them up after they got over their initial hesitations.
Some smokers were worried that it would cost a lot to buy electronic cigarettes instead of tobacco cigarettes. The idea just sounded expensive: if it was electronic, it had to be expensive right? Well, most smokers now claim that they actually save money because they choose to buy electronic cigarettes, and say that this is because they smoke less when smoking electronic cigarettes. The reason behind this is probably because smokers are able to take a few puffs of …show more content…

E-cigarette kits basically come with everything a smoker would ever need for their electric cigarettes, and instead of having to buy electric cigarettes all over again every time they're out, they just have to buy refill supplies like e-liquid, which is the liquid that is made with nicotine and that provides the flavor and strength to the cigarettes. E-Cigarette kits come with the main mouth piece, which holds the 'guts' of the cigarette, which is the atomizer and a small battery, and e-cigarette kits also usually come with one or two batteries as well, so the smoker can have one battery charging while the other is being used. The battery is basically like the lighter or match for the cigarette: without it, the electric cigarettes would be worthless, and since the smoker can't do anything like drink the e-liquid, they're completely left with a useless cigarette unless they keep a charged battery on hand, as well as some e-liquid to refill their cigarettes with or some disposable e-cartridges, which some e-cigarette kits come

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