
Street Art: The Accessibility Of Street Art

Decent Essays

One interesting thing about street art is that even with the negative connotations of illegal tagging and painting on public property, there’s still a huge market for public art. However, some artists do not want to be paid because they think street art is supposed to be a more free way to create art, and being paid for it would be “selling out”. While graffiti just used to be created in order to be known, both modern graffiti and street art has become a way for artists to break out of the conventional art world. The accessibility of street art often prompts artist to use it as a way to influence the viewer, and send a message. It differs from artist to artist what topic they want to convey, but the majority of artists do seem to use their …show more content…

Big name artists Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat both started out as graffiti artists. Haring kept his characteristic marker drawings in his rise to fame, while Basquiat went the modern art route, ignoring his beginnings. Both artists would end up selling their art for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Today, both graffiti and street art is used by ad companies, and as author Claudia Walde recognizes, “Ad agencies have long recognized the potential in harnessing authentic aspects of street culture to create cutting-edge campaigns…” (Walde, 6). Today, street art is also carried directly to consumers through the internet, particularly social media. With platforms like Instagram, and plenty of people looking for an artsy snap, pieces can be posted all over the internet, with very little involvement from the actual artist. It seems that no matter what the differing opinions are, people (particularly younger generations) subconsciously see the art for what it is. Street art’s attractiveness to young people ties back into the idea that street art is intriguing because of its spontaneity and apparent …show more content…

Banksy has essentially the exact same style and le Rat, almost to the point of ripping off le Rat’s style entirely. It’s very sad, because Banksy makes more money and is more well known than le Rat, and le Rat’s pieces are often mistaken for Banksy’s. Le Rat is of two minds on this topic. On the one hand, he only thinks that anything he says about Banksy will be taken out of context and he will be the one under fire (Battersby). However, he does think that Banksy helps to call attention to street art, saying “‘It is important that people recognize what we do, and accept it for what it is," he states. "It is art. Urban artists are forced to write on public property because there is a lack of space assigned to us’” (Philby), which goes back to the idea of gallery space being both too restrictive and too selective for street artists. One of the more recent pieces Blek le Rat created was on the topic of homelessness. He made his signature black and white stencils of homeless people sitting and lying on the ground. The idea was to call attention to the homeless people living in cities that people see every day and disregard. It’s an ironic subject, as the popularity of street art makes le Rat’s art a hot topic, but homeless people are not a popular subject at all. “…people will walk directly over actual homeless people, but will stop to discuss a painting of a homeless person on a wall” (Stencil

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