
Student Shootings

Decent Essays

On October 1, 2015, Christopher Harper-Mercer walked into Umpqua Community College and shot eighteen people. A week later shootings occurred at universities in Arizona and Texas leaving two dead. According to a study in 2013, the FBI identified thirty-nine active shooting cases in educational settings, and these cases accounted for the highest number of casualties(_). With the threat of active shootings in educational settings, many universities are trying to increase security on college campuses in order to protect students and staff members. The need for heightened security allows universities to constantly monitor the activities of students in order to create a safe environment. Many universities, such as Loyola University Chicago, implement guidelines that aid in controlling students and creating docile individuals. At Loyola University Chicago, it utilizes surveillance cameras and identification cards to protect students. Moreover, the need for control transcends surveillance for security reasons and is utilized in academics through the grading …show more content…

Universities attempt to combat the issue through protective means. At Loyola, the use of technology contributes to the protection of students since it allows for continuous monitoring of the campus. However, the increase in technology also gives the university access into the whereabouts of students since the methods used to restrict access to facilities only to students. This mode of surveillance makes it easier for the university to establish control over individuals while protecting the institution. Moreover, indirect surveillance through a rigorous grading system causes students to work efficiently in order to avoid academic punishment. The methods utilized by Loyola University reflects Foucault’s ideas of power because the university places students under constant observation directly and indirectly thus self-discipline is formed within

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