
Teen Pregnancy Essay

Decent Essays

Daisy Tran
Dr. Nadine Norland
Academic Writing 5/6
Teen Pregnancy
The fearless of all parents who have teenagers is pregnancy. Nowadays, teen pregnancy is a serious problem. Teenage have a lack of skills to handle a pregnancy. So that impact strongly on the future of a young woman. Teen pregnancy is associated with negative consequences for adolescents for three reasons: lack of education, medical complication, uncertainty about the future, and financial difficulties.
First, the main causes of teenage pregnancy are the lack of education on safe sex, whether it is from parents, schools, or otherwise. Many teenagers are not taught about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into having sex …show more content…

A teen may feel she does not have enough knowledge to be a mother. She may also have fears about how having a baby will impact her own life and dreams for the future. Only 38 percent of teenage mothers ages 15-17 earn a high school diploma. By the age of 30, only 1.5 percent of women who had pregnancies as a teenager have a college degree. Moreover, one-third of children born to teenage mothers earn a high school diploma, compared to 81 percent of their children with older parents (“Teen Pregnancy Rates By State”). There are also physical health risk for the baby. Once their baby is born, teenagers may not be willing or able to give it the undivided attention it needs. A teen may not be an adequate mother because she is overwhelmed by the constant needs of the baby. She may grow annoyed at the lack of freedom to interact with her peer group due to the baby. Children born to teenage mothers are more likely suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers. As a result, they are at risk for lower of education. The financial difficulty may arise during a teen pregnancy or after the baby is born. It is expensive to raise a baby. Teens who do not have full-time employment may struggle to cover the basic expenses of life upon having a baby. According to Stephen Nguyen, eighty percent of teen mothers must rely on welfare (“What percent of teenage mothers are on welfare?”). Teenage mothers are more likely drop out

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