
The Bluest Eye Literary Devices

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Through the prologue there is symbolism, distortion and imagery that shows what is to come in the Bluest Eyes. Mother, Father, Dick and Jane appear to represent the perfect family. They also appear to be white although not directly stated. The Bluest Eyes is a story of racism and how mean people can be. It is also a story of people wanting to be something they can never be. This showing how other people’s thoughts can hold so much value whether they are positive or negative. There is also no such thing as perfect family which the prologue alludes to no matter what background you are. In the start, it says “Who will play with Jane?” No one ends up playing with Jane as to show how she gets ignored. The theme in this story is so much of these kids wanting to be white because they believe that to be perfect. Pecola goes through this story constantly getting ignored by everyone. Claudia even becomes jealous of a girl who is light skinned and falls into the belief that she wishes she was white. The reference of the mother just laughing and the father being strong relates to the characters in the story as well. Cholly is not strong in this story as he has had a tough life. …show more content…

The distortion of the same sentences she uses creates this imbalance that we know is coming. It shows that although this family seems to be perfect there is this underlying problem of no one wanting to play with Jane. This also suggests the fake or fantasy everyone lives in because it says the mother and father are smiling yet no one pays attention to Jane. The cat and dogs don’t even pay attention and we see how Pecola is tricked into killing a dog later in the story. This perhaps alluding to this moment in the book. The distortion is words also makes the reader after you read the story aware of how confused all these characters are. They don’t need to be wishing they were another color when the beauty in them already

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