
The Fastest Growing Sphere Of Influence Today 's Society Essay

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The fastest growing sphere of influence in today’s society is technology. People of all ages are able to stay in touch with news, politics, and celebrity gossip at an unprecedented rate. One contributor to this communication outlet would be the continued rise of social media, which is allowing those of all ages to connect with those around them and express their individuality.
Media advancement has created new types of communication that impacts people and shapes the way they communicate.
Social media plays a major part in modern day communication due to the variety of nonverbal behaviors taking place. The primary example of nonverbals comes across through visual communication. For example, images and graphics are seen as the nonverbal behavior of artifacts when used in media (Adami & Jewitt, 2016). The pictures can also display facial expressions or words that allow one to communicate through them. This act of using images to communicate is very popular as pictures seem to have take over the most prominent social media sites including Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Online, these icons are seen as a medium for individualism and self-expression allowing visual communication and social media to coincide. On the other hand, images can also spark dialectical tensions that can be relived through posts and comment threads or the graphics could even unite groups through their humor. All of these together contributes to the creation of subcultural communities as a way of

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