
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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‘’For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo’’ – William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are star crossed lovers and their lives are cut short by death. Are family wishes hazardous, or is it deadly to have flaws? Is the victim at fault here? In the play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare provides several of actions and influences that caused Juliet’s tragedy. The death of Juliet can be blamed on multiple factors. It is clear that she is partially to blame because of her personality flaw but also external forces such as family expectations played a role in her death. Juliet’s personality flaws does not sound harmful at all, but not until it contributes to her death. To begin with, Juliet listens to Friar Lawrence’s instructions about the poison she will drink but then cuts him off saying, ‘’Give me, give me! O, tell me not fear!’’ (Act 4.1.122). Juliet’s action demonstrates that she is the type of person who is impatient and jumps to conclusions easily. She also does not think clearly before she speaks. This shows that Juliet is to blame for her death because she is missing out on important information she should have known about before drinking the vial. The next thing you know she makes a mistake by drinking the vial by itself without mixing it with another ingredient as Friar told her to. To add on, after the news of her cousin’s death Tybalt, Juliet says, ‘’All this is comfort. Wherefore weep I then? Some word

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