
The World Is Struggling With Environment Change And The Issue Of Global Warning

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Today the world is struggling with environment change and the issue of global warning. The world has never been like this before because of so many reasons. The biggest problem is increasing temperatures year to year. Increasing temperature further creates issues with public health and economy. Governments and nongovernmental organizations are working to change the situation this planet is facing. In this case, most human daily activities have a big impact on the atmosphere. One of the biggest problem is air pollution. Air pollution is mostly caused by industries and motor vehicles. Industry and motor vehicles produce harmful carbon dioxide. Therefore, People should contribute their part to save the planet to stop using their own car for everyday activities, and they should use public transport more. When people start using public transport, the carbon dioxide emissions become limited. In most cities population is growing, and the same time the traffic is increasing. As the matter of fact, cities polluted by the vehicles which produce toxic gas, and this makes the environment adulterated. If people use public transport, they could reduce pollution, avoid air pollution related diseases and global warming. Using public transportation has a lot of benefits for the environment and the economy. Weather it is using buses, train or shuttles. Public transportation is the best solution to save the environment, money and reduced traffic jam. One of the main benefit of using of

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