
Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

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There are several different causes of Type 1 Diabetes. According to resources, the exact cause in Type 1 diabetes is unknown. Possibly the immune system which fights bad bacteria or viruses, and destroys the insulin in the pancreas, which leaves little or no insulin after all. Instead of being transported into the cells, sugar builds up in the bloodstream. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a special hormone that is needed to convert sugar into daily needed energy. Insulin lowers the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. Therefore that is not the same as type 2 diabetes. In type 2 people make still make insulin, the illness and symptoms tend to develop gradually. Sometimes diabetes can be caused by a malfunction …show more content…

It usually appears during childhood, but it can begin in adults. A new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes may spark different types of reactions including anger and sadness. According to, “A simple dipstick test can detect sugar in a sample of urine.” This may suggest the diagnosis of diabetes, Although the only way to confirm the diagnosis is to have a blood test to look at the level of glucose in the blood. If the sugar levels are high, that will confirm a diagnosis of diabetes. Some people have to have two samples taken and may be asked to fast to confirm it. Some type 1 symptoms may be blurry vision, urinating often, feeling very thirsty, cuts/bruises that are slow to heal, weight loss, extreme fatigue, and tingling pain. Those kinds of symptoms should make a person questions what’s going on. With type 1 diabetes the illness usually develops quite quickly, as the pancreas stops making insulin. It is usually treated with insulin injections and healthy diets. Prediabetes is when glucose levels are higher than they should be, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. According to, “Results in indicating Prediabetes are: An A1C of 5.7% - 6.4%, Fasting blood glucose of 100 -125 mg/dl, An OGTT 2 hour blood glucose of 140 mg/dl 199 mg/dl.” Dealing with the diabetes diagnosing deals with A1C, Fasting Plasma Glucose. That would probably be the first stage of the whole diabetes thing through it …show more content…

It connects a 24 hour glucose monitor to an insulin pump. The device automatically delivers the correct amount of insulin whenever the monitor indicates the need for it. Now tell me who wouldn't want that? Insulin can’t be taken orally to lower blood sugar because of stomach enzymes. Therefore it must be given either through injections or in insulin pumps. The first treatment out of the two would be the Insulin Pump. The insulin pump is a device about the size of a cellphone worn on the outside of the body. A tube connects a reservoir of insulin to a catheter that is inserted under the skin of the abdomen. Then the 2nd out of the two are injections. Patients use a fine needle and syringe or an insulin pen to inject insulin under your skin. As a Diabetic people should be aware and cautious of many things. They should be immunized against flu and from pneumococcal germs. Diabetes is a 24/7 balancing act between food and blood sugar. Being a diabetic does not mean giving up the pleasure of good eating just being aware of food choices. Living with type 1 diabetes isnt easy. it will take a while to get used to. Diabetes management requires a lot of time and effort, especially in the beginning. Make a commitment to managing your diabetes and identify yourself(general diabetes facts). Diabetics should wear a tag or bracelet that notifies that they

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