
United States Agency For International Development Essay

Decent Essays

One specific case of this is in Guatemala, where poverty rates and malnutrition numbers are high. Here, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Mercy Corps, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc., and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS), are joining forces together to improve the lives of small-scale farmers and their families. This alliance, also called, Inclusive Market Alliance for Rural Entrepreneurs (IMARE), is in favor of the “Zero Hunger Pact”, which is to lower the high rates of poverty and malnutrition. The alliance not only supports the small-scale farmers, but advocates on their behalf. IMARE believes they should receive better chances in the market-economy. There have been changes made because of this demand and an increase in the farmers’ household food security has come forth. This shows that this is the right route and that Mercy Corps wants to continue being a part of this alliance and support the farmers in Guatemala. With that being said, there is still a lot to be done in the health area. However, without the public health help given by Mercy Corps, there may be no people to offer aid to. (Regional Business News, audio, 2012)
Moving on to the final main zone that Mercy Corps works in, is the loans or the economic need. This aid comes in many forms, it depends on where the money is needed and what the economy is like there. For example, in South Sudan the way to make economic growth is through a roadside stand. While in Indonesia, good

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