
Web Architecture And Components Which Enable Internet And Web Functionality

Decent Essays

Assignment 28.1

Outline the web architecture and components which enable internet and web functionality (P1)

Web Functionality
Web 2.0
The Web 2.0 is the name for how the World Wide Web has evolved and the advances that are there. Some examples of how it has the World Wide Web has evolved are blogs, Wikipedia’s and podcasting. This was suggested by Dale Dougherty in 2004 on O’Riley media.

A blog is similar to a diary with a collection of small conversations to the viewers of the blog. They are normally used to talk about certain subjects or problems, ranging from blogs about global warming to some about how’s someone’s day has been.

Online Applications
An online application is where an application uses a browser in order to be used by a client. This could be a range of applications from a message board where people can post messages about a number of things to a video editing software.

Cloud computing
Cloud computing is where an individual can save data on a server rather than their own system, such as on their hard drive. This allows more data to be created without it effecting the individual’s computer. An example is one drive by Microsoft.

Web Server – It is where webpages are stored and accessed by computers from. It also stores the documents that are on the webpages.

Mail Server – This allows people to send texts to other individuals. It has developed to allow the user to change the colour of the text and it is there to deliver and

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