
What Are The Stereotypes In The Movie Crash

Satisfactory Essays

The movie Crash deals with many different connected stories about race, class and gender. In regards to the opening lines of the movie, “.. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something…” The first time we hear the word crash in the movie the context is speaking of touch. It’s speaking about a deep inner connection that we all share as a human race. Most especially when we are living in this fast paced society separated by money and race. All to often we forget how close and alike we actually are. That is what Crash is about, it’s about being similar to someone you think you would have no connection with. Watching throughout the movie we see many people “crashing” whether is be rich or poor, white or black, and see the common stereotypes shared on both sides. One of the most poignant scenes in the movie is when Jean Cabot ( Sandra Bullock) and Anthony (Ludacris) had their crashing moment. She moved her bag close to her arm and …show more content…

This is where the context of the word changes. It went from an encounter, bumping or touching someone into a violent exchange from one or both sides. In actuality that is what a crash is by definition a violent collision from both parties. When these characters were slamming into each other it was giving them a chance to see or feel like it was to be in another place. Even further, these “ crashes” mostly negative in the beginning led into some positive outcomes. The characters like I mentioned got to break out of the boxes that they were put in by society. It opened up what is means to be a black man in America? What bearings does wealth and affluence have on society and the interactions between races. These interactions shared between the characters allow some change in there lives. They weren’t as rigid, their views weren’t as

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