
What Is Music Like In The 1920's

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Over time, change has been something that has always occurred in our society. Music is one of the things that has changed drastically over the decades. From its instruments, the use of technology, the purpose and the reason of the music. One of the things that makes music so different is the instruments and technology. In the 1920’s, jazz was popular. (1) Jazz was always the type of music people danced to. The instruments they used were different too, therefore jazz was the most common type of music. One of the most widely used musical instruments were trumpets. They were always the leading voice of jazz back in the 20’s. The saxophone was also one of the most important instruments back then. The drums were nothing major, it was always only for the beat. Before the 1920’s, the banjo was always the favored jazz instrument and was soon replaced by the guitar when jazz became more popular. Nowadays, trumpets and saxophones are not at all the main instruments. It even is rarely used in music since jazz is not the most preferable type of music anymore. Nowadays, electronic guitars and keyboards are already invented which makes music more different and not so …show more content…

Since it was the era of the first World Qar, music had a deeper meaning to each individual. Music was used as an element of celebration. Soldiers used music to celebrate surviving a day of war, and wives used music to celebrate their husbands returning home after war. Music also used to be something special and rare; they used to only play music occasionally. Friends or families used to get together to play music with each other. Now, there’s music almost everywhere we go. Music is always heard in restaurants and cafes as a form of entertainment. In the smallest parts of our everyday lives, such as going to the gym or spending the day at the mall, music is played out loud to entertain the people. Music really is anywhere and can be used for anything

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