
Why I Support Extrinsic Motivation

Decent Essays

I support extrinsic motivation because I have seen it work well in the lower grades of the school I currently work in. By giving the children a goal to reach by the end of the day for good behavior, class participation and effort, I have seen a motivated class not just willing to learn, but to be proud in the work they have accomplished that day. Using both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be very valuable in the classroom. Offering my classroom an extrinsic motivation, for example, an extra recess at the end of the day can be a great motivator. Also encouraging my students for the effort they have put in day to day and showing them how it will help them outside the classroom can also be a great motivator. In our textbook Kingdom Living In Your Classroom (2008, pg. 120) it talks about this saying, “When students can relate course content to their …show more content…

I would use an extrinsic motivation like a points chart, to record effort and enthusiasm in the classroom along with helpfulness to other students who might be struggling. I also would use intrinsic motivation by praising children individually and as a class. In our textbook, Kingdom Living In Your Classroom (2008, pg 112) it states, “Teachers should systematically encourage students to replace their negative thinking about themselves with positive truths about themselves.” This is the very thing I would strive to accomplish with all of my students in one way or another. I would also attempt to send notes of praise home to parents about their children on a daily basis so that the students can show their parents and be proud of what they have accomplished in class. Working in an integrated classroom now one on one with a student has shown me how hard it can be for students of different learning styles and intelligences to stay motivated. As a teacher I would try to encourage all of my children to in a way I know works well for

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