
William Blake : The Tyger

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(Favorite Poem Written by William Blake: The Tyger)

Poetry often has a way of speaking to certain people. Maybe not everyone can connect to every poem, but more so a specific poem. Maybe they can relate something that happened to them in their life that is similar to that in the poetry. Many times that is the case, sometimes others just simply like poems as well. They hear the words that it is saying and get exactly what it is trying to say and it speaks to them. This is a great way to connect to the poem, by just simply liking it in general. William Blake is known as one of the greatest poets of all times. The reason being for this is that he had to sets of poetry; one titled Songs of Innocence, and the other titled Songs of Experience. By the names of the title you can give an educated guess that they are all opposites, but probably related in some way. His titles in one of the sets will have a contrary in the other set. It always changes in the way that he is saying something, basically contradicting it. He has some very popular poetry within all of these works, they are widely known. In the set of poetry in Songs of Innocence my favorite poem is The Tyger because I like what he portrays, how he puts it forth, and the contradiction it has with The Lamb. My first reasoning for liking The Tyger the most is the message portrayed is very hard hitting. As the story is being read you can immediately pick up on what he is trying to say. When he is saying

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