
Essay William Golding's Lord of the Flies

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William Golding's Lord of the Flies

In the novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding tells the story of a group of boys on an island left out to self survive. The time was World War II when the plane the boys were in was shot down leaving young survivals on a deserted island without any adults. The whole story is about what happens during their stay on the island representing metaphoric ideas of humanity in each incident as Golding describes. Golding has reportedly said that he wrote the novel in response to his personal war experiences. “ (The war)… taught us not fighting, politics or the follies of nationalism, but about the given nature of man.” (Golding) By looking at Lord of the Flies, it is clear that Golding’s view of …show more content…

18). Golding tries to describe that in human social life, there always emerges a leader or let’s just say, there is competition between people to be better than the others; to stand higher than the others. One of the first things they do is pick a leader which signifies that mankind greeds power. Of course conditions and circumstances always do not come handy, but if there is a chance, there is always a feeling of standing ahead of others.

After some discussions as they figure out what they are going to do according to their skills and capabilities, it’s obvious that each want to become or do better than the other. Some discussions follow representing a direct attitude of comparison between mankind. "You're no good on a job like this." (Ralph, pg. 24) As this is said, Golding tries to show us that we always try to put others down and take pride in what we are good at. Being good in something, we just think that everything related to it that we do will be for the good and we don’t really seem to realize our bad doings. Golding tries to show how humans think they are superior and the concept of “I’m always right” stays very active deep within the deeds even though we might not directly give in to it. Trying to push down all on the side at your level so that you can stand high has always been present in mankind as Golding describes how the boys (specially

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