
Aristotle Virtue Ethics

Decent Essays

Virtue ethics is a theory used to make moral decisions. It does not rely on religion, society or culture; it only depends on the individuals themselves. Since actions flow someone’s character, virtue ethics aspires to develop good people and good human communities. Virtue ethics is typically associated with the Greeks and especially with Aristotle in the 4th century b.c.
Virtues ethics derives from Aristotle Nicomachean ethics which was named after his son Nichomachus. Aristotle starts from actual moral judgements of human beings and says that by comparing and contrasting we can come to the formulation of general principles. Living an ethical life requires developing and demonstrating the virtues of compassion, wisdom, and temperance. It also …show more content…

He says that human beings begin with a capacity for goodness, which also has to be developed by practice. We start by doing acts that’s are virtuous and without knowledge that’s acts are good and without actively choosing them for ourselves. While practicing these acts we begin to realize that virtue is good. A child while continue to tell the truth because her parents taught her to tell the truth. Eventually the child will begin to recognize that telling the truth is a virtue and continuing to do so is a virtuous thing to do.
Aristotle defines moral virtue as a disposition to behave in the right manner and as a mean between extremes of either deficiency and excess, which are called vices. How do you determine the mean between excess and deficiency? The mean in ethics cannot be determined mathematically. We as human beings learn moral virtue primarily through habit and practice rather than reasoning and instruction. Virtue is a matter of having the appropriate attitude toward pain and pleasure. We can only be held responsible for any kind of actions that we perform …show more content…

For Plato a person’s virtue consists in his knowledge of the good. It is not that a person has knowledge about some things or just at certain times. They are just considered to be virtuous in some aspects while being un-virtuous in others. Someone with the knowledge of the good is able to determine the good in all decisions and will be virtuous unconditionally. This also similar for Aristotle, an individual must be thought of as either having virtue, or lacking it. Both Aristotle and Plato believe that virtue must be obtained through practice and self-control. Virtue is thought of as a state or condition of the human

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