
Christian Worldview Research Paper

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will be discussing God, Humanity, Jesus and Restoration. I will also be answering questions such as: What is God like? What are God's characteristics? What is his creation? Christian Worldview revolves around Christian individuals, organizations and values. Christian Worldview also revolves around an agenda of concepts and principles in which these Christian individuals, organizations and values understands and connects with the world

There are a numerous amount verses throughout the bible that describes God’s characteristics and his work of creation. In Genesis 22:14 he is a God that provides, In Exodus 15:26 he is a God that heals, In Judges 6:24 he is a God of Peace, Exodus 17:15 he is a God protection, In …show more content…

With so many people holding the Christian worldview, and not all abiding by what God has instructed in the bible, no wonder there are some people who question whether or not there is a God and are led to follow pantheism or believe in nothing at all, such as in atheism. The fundamental belief of the Christian worldview is that there is only on God, and he created the universe, the heavens, earth, humanity, and everything that is in or on the universe. This is a powerful statement in the very first sentence of the bible, “In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Believing in something bigger than everything and everyone. This means, God created the heavens and the earth, light, expanse or firmament (Heaven), land, water, sun, moon, stars, living creatures, and even order within them and how they would and could reproduce as stated in Genesis 1:1-25. The following paper will look further into what it means to have a Christian worldview, to include, the characteristics of God and his creation, humanity, Jesus, and humanity’s restoration to God. God is not just a cosmic force, he is a personal Spirit. Jesus said, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24). So, what then does this mean to believe in God and to be a Christian? To believe in God means knowing who is in charge, and that is God. To fear the Lord, this means a continual

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