
Consequences And Development Of The DNA And The Polymerase Of DNA

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We start with a piece of DNA to the direction of 3’ to 5’ strand of DNA is called the template strand. Initiation begins at the promoter region or the consensus sequences. The promoter region of the DNA is at the beginning of the gene. Two important finding regions occur at 10 base pairs and 35 base pairs upstream of transcription. Both sequences are important as mutations can prevent initiation. Common in Bacteria is the -10 region also known as the pribnow box. It is a series of thymine and adenine residues. The pribnow box is important for the recognition of the promoter region, other -10 and -35 consensus sequences exist but are recognized in a different manner. Another important locator on the DNA strand is the initiation site or …show more content…

In a given cell order there are numerous types of sigma factors. Under normal condition or under stress different sigma factors recognize different promoter regions. Now that the holoenzyme is complete, the formation of the transcription bubble can take place. The RNA polymerase unwinds the DNA by itself. In order to start transcription energy from a ATP or GTP is required, where the ribose from the triphosphate provides a 3’ hydroxyl to attack the first phosphate in the first nucleotide, this displaces the pyrophosphate. The new RNA therefore has a triphosphate at its 5’ end. Once transcription has started the sigma factor falls off.
The next stage is elongation. Elongation occurs when approximately 12 nucleotides have been added to the RNA strand and the sigma subunit is dissociated and the polymerase has started to move from the promoter region. When the RNA is synthesized it is made in opposite polarity to the template DNA strand, meaning the 3’ end of the RNA faces the same direction at the 5’ end of the DNA. Inside the transcription bubble nucleotides come inside the RNA polymerase to make a complementary strand to the template strand of DNA. Here all base pairs match up like in DNA synthesis only instead of thymine uracil is paired with Adenine for RNA synthesis. Constant unwinding can lead to supercoiling of the DNA, which is like a telephone cord that is twisted at one end. Eventually stress in the middle of

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