
Similarities And Differences Of Dna And Rna

Decent Essays

Similarities & differences of DNA and RNA. (P1)
Similarities between DNA and RNA:
1) Both have the 3 bases which are Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine. Also known as A, C and G.
2) Both have nucleotides
3) Both compromise of pentose sugar.
4) Both compromise of phosphate groups
5) Both compromise of nitrogenous bases.

Differences between DNA and RNA
De-oxyribonucleic Acid Ribo-nucleuic Acid
DNA is double stranded RNA is single stranded
DNA is known to be stable RNA is known to be less stable
DNA has the base Thymine a.k.a. T RNA has the base Uracil a.k.a. U
DNA has the sugar de-oxyribose RNA has the sugar ribose
DNA is always located inside the nucleus RNA eventually exits the nucleus.

Differences between the 3 types of RNAs – tRNA, mRNA, rRNA
Transfer RNA a.k.a tRNA Messenger RNA a.k.a mRNA Ribosomal RNA a.k.a rRNA
Consisting of 80 nucleotides (estimate) Consisting of between 100 and 1000 nucleotides (estimate)
Located in the cytoplasm of a cell Travels from the nucleus towards to the cytoplasm Like tRNA, rRNA is located in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Involved in protein synthesis – by making polypeptides Transports genetic info from the nucleus to the cytoplasm Translation of mRNA is turned into proteins by the rRNA
One part has a sequence of 3 bases which make up anti-codon. Formed in the nucleus by copying the gene from DNA in the process of transcription Part of the ribosome’s structure

Properties of the Genetic Code of DNA (M1)
In whole, DNA is made up of nitrogenous

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