
Describe How Bacteria Decode Its Genetic Information to Produce Proteins?

Decent Essays

Describe how Bacteria decode its genetic information to produce proteins?


Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and membrane bound organells. This group of organisms are termed as prokaryotes. Prokaryotes follows the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 to synthesize proteins from mRNA through a process called translation and the mRNA is being synthesized from the DNA by another process called Transcription. Temperature, nutrient availibity are some key factors that start the process of synthesizing proteins in response to these key factors. Example. This paper will provide an explanation as to how bacteria decode the genetic information to produce …show more content…

Elongation is terminated by a stop codon. Stop codon do not code for any amino acid.

Protein folding
The amino acid sequences derived from decoding the mRNA determines a protein's final conformation, helper proteins aid the newly formed polypeptide with its folding to achieve a proper functional shape. These molecular chaperones are essential as the cytoplasm is often filled with new polypeptide chains and thus these accumulation of polypeptide chain might accumulate together and fold into a non-function shape. Example of well studied chaperones from E.Coli are DnaK, DnaJ, GroEL and GroES. And GrpE.

Protein splicing
Some microbial proteins are spliced after translation. In protein splicing, a part of the polypeptide is removed before folding to its final shape.

Decoding its genetic information refers to the process of transcription while producing proteins refer to the process of translation.
Body 1(30mins)

DNA transcription.
MRNA Translation

Body 2
Different between


Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and other membrane bound organells. This group of organisms are called "Prokaryotes" and they follow the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 for protein synthesize. Protein synthesize is how instruction written by the bacteria DNA are being copied into a temporary form called mRNA and these mRNA are sent to

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