
Essay On Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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In the United States alone, there are approximately one million head injuries reported every year; eighty five percent of these injuries are classified as mild traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, also known as concussions, are the leading cause of death and disability for neurological disorders before the age of fifty. Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) are one of the most prevalent, and have become a major public health issue. A few of the main reasons there are so many problems with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), are lack of reporting by the patients, physician’s misdiagnosis or undiagnosed, and lack of awareness.
There are three categories of TBI, severe, moderate, and mild. Mild injuries are far more difficult to diagnose as compared to severe and moderate. With …show more content…

These are just a few symptoms but the functional deficits are emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physical. Poor concentration is the most commonly reported functional limitation. Some of these deficits can be manifested in other unrelated disorders like learning disabilities and psychiatric disorders or others. Therefore, it is easy to understand why mTBI is frequently misdiagnosed.
There are countless mTBIs that are not only misdiagnosed but also unreported by the patients. One of the most problematic issues concerning treatment of mild traumatic brain injury is patient willingness to report. Many athletes tend to not report problems after a head injury for fear of not being able to play in a game or continue playing their sport. Men and women of the armed forces are also guilty of not reporting head trauma due to social norms. This lack of awareness of the risk involved can be very

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